Move over Pokemon GO! GhostbustARs is the next level of 3D Augmented Reality (AR) shooting game. Catch ghosts with your mobile camera in the real world.
GhostbustARs uses AR technology to immerse you in defending your real-world surroundings from the oncoming apocalypse by strapping on a proton pack and battling supernatural entities.
This game was a prototype made for a company-wide hackathon and is not live or in production. -
UX and UI Designer
This project was a weeklong company sponsored hackathon. I was responsible for designing the core UX loop and all subsequent flows needed for the prototype and presentations.
Art Direction
Worked with both product and concept designers to develop a cohesive style to the project that was feasible with the amount of time we had as well as keeping with the Sony Pictures Ghostbusters IP brand. -
Unity, Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Texture Packer, After Effects
Art Direction, UI Design, UX Research, Wireframing, Rapid Prototyping, User Testing, Strategy, Unity Implementation
iOS, Android
Weeklong hackathon